Cachaca 51 Brazil Rum 700 ml
Cachaça is a cane neutral spirit from Brazil that is distilled directly from fermented sugar cane juice. Cachaça 51 is made from the finest varieties of cane crop harvested at the peak of sugar content from the heartland of the plantation
ABV | 38% |
Net Contents | 700 ml |
Serving Recommendations |
Caipirinha recipe: 1 ½ (50 ml) of Cachaça 51, 2 tsp of sugar, lime (8 wedges). How to prepare: Muddle the sugar into the lime wedges in a glass. Fill the glass with ice cubes. Pour the Cachaça 51 into the glass. Mix everything with |
Spirit Type | Rum |
Disclaimer |
Customers are advised to check product packaging for nutritional information and allergen warnings before consumption, as product information is subject to change after publication. You should always read the product label to ensure you are following the most up-to-date information. This is especially important if you have an allergy or intolerance. Allergen information can be found highlighted in the ingredients list on the back of pack |