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By registering for an Alphamega Family account, you will automatically participate in Alphamega Hypermarkets’ competitions. You (the participant) agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Every piece of information or directions published by the Promoter of the Competition in the flyers or at Alphamega Hypermarkets, is covered by these terms and conditions.
The Promoter of the activity
1. The Promoter of this competition is C. A. Papaellinas Ltd (Alphamega) (the” Promoter of the action”)
Validity of participation
2. This Competition is only open to Alphamega Family members
3. The prize cannot be redeemed for cash. The Promoter of the activity can replace the Prize with a gift of same or higher value.
Duration of the Competition
4. The Competition is valid on the dates printed on the flyer promoting the competition.  
5. In order to be able to participate in the Competition, participants need to have purchased the number of products that the Promoter refers to, in the relevant promotional activity. 
6. Participants must use their Alphamega Family account during their transaction at the till. 
7. The Promoter of the activity reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to cancel any Participations that are regarded as non-compliant with these terms and conditions or any participant, who is considered to have obstructed the fair conduct of the Competition.
8. The Promoter of the activity will have the right, where necessary, to proceed to do everything possible to protect it from fraudulent and invalid claims, including but not limited to, the request for further information validating the identity, age and other information of the participants.
9. Requests to participate have to be made by the participant and not through representatives or third parties.
How the winners are selected
10. The winners of the prizes will come from valid participations that will be randomly drawn by the Promoter of the promotional activity. 
11. The winners of the Prizes will be notified via the phone number they submitted when they registered for their Alphamega Family account. The winners will have 14 days from the day they are notified, to retrieve their Prize, from the Promoter of the activity.
12. In the case where a winner or alternate winner is not available, suitable or hasn’t claimed the Prize within the determined timeframe, the winner or alternate winner will lose their Prize and the latter is given to an alternate winner, who will be randomly chosen from the next Participation.
Confidentiality and personal data protection
13. The Promoter of the activity retains the right to publish the names of all the winners. Each winner may be asked to participate in commercial and promotional activities of the Promoter, and with their participation in the Competition the winners accept the said participation.
14. The Promoter of the activity can use any personal information submitted by the participant, to inform them about future promotional programmes, as well as provide information about other products of the Promoter of the activity. The participant hereby consents to the said use of their personal information for the aforementioned reasons and confirms that they agree with the privacy policy of the Promoter of the activity, which can be found at It is possible for the participant to revoke their consent for the said use of personal information, by addressing the matter in a written letter to the Promoter of the activity or by using the opt-out procedure which is highlighted in the privacy policy of the Promoter of the activity.
15. The Promoter of the activity is not responsible for any disruption of the Competition, whether that is due to force majeure or other factors beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter of the activity. 
16. The Promoter of the activity reserves the right, acting reasonably and in accordance with the existing legislation and the applicable codes of conduct, to modify the terms and conditions of this Competition.
17. The Promoter of the activity shall not be responsible for and not held liable to: (a) any inability to obtain Participations due to failure in transmission and other circumstances which rest beyond its reasonable control, (b) any delayed, lost, incorrectly routed or damaged transmission or participation, (c) any disfunction or failure related to computer or communications, (d) any disruption, loss or damage caused by events beyond the control of the Promoter of the activity or (e) any printing or spelling error in any material related to the Competition.
18. To the extent permitted by law, by participating in the Competition, the participant agrees to release the Promoter of the activity from any liability for claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages of any kind arising out of or related to the Competition or in relation with the acceptance, possession, monitoring or use of any prize (with the exception of death or injury caused by negligence, fraud on the part of the Promoter of the activity or otherwise prohibited by law).