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1.1 C.A. Papaellinas Emporiki Limited (HE 27397), operating under the brand name Alphamega (we and us), is a company registered in Cyprus and our main trading address is at 10 Georgiou Davari street, Strovolos 2024, Cyprus. 
1.2 To contact us call our customer service team at 77000088 or email 
2.1 These terms and conditions (Terms) apply to Alphamega Family, a program that rewards you for choosing us for your shopping, crediting you with reward points (Points) each time you make a purchase.
2.2 These Terms determine the contractual relationship between us and you regarding Alphamega Family (Agreement). No other term is construed through commercial, custom, practice or course of transactions.
3.1 By simply entering your own card number at the checkout or presenting the Alphamega Loyalty App (the Application), you automatically win the value of your purchases in Points.
3.2 The Points can then be redeemed for gift vouchers for free shopping worth €10, €15, €25 or €40 in our Hypermarkets.
3.3 Alphamega Family introduces various competitions from time to time (Competitions), the terms of which are published for the duration of each Competition on our website at
3.4 Also through the Alphamega Family, depending on your purchases, various offers are introduced from time to time (Offers), the terms of which are published for the duration of each Offer in the Application or in our website at
3.5 The Competitions and Offers may be of limited duration and/or availability, i.e. they will be valid for specific periods of time (as announced when they start) and/or only for as long as the reasonable stock of products is available for the Competition and/or Offer.
3.6 Depending on your purchases, with Alphamega Family you automatically participate in certain Offers and Competitions.
3.7 Any Competition or Offer may be governed by additional terms other than the Terms of this Agreement and may include terms from third parties (Supplementary Terms). These supplementary terms will be notified to you either by notification on your mobile or by email or text to the number or address you provided to us.
3.8 The Terms together with the Privacy Policy, the Supplementary Terms of each Competition and the Supplementary Terms of each Offer will apply to your participation in Alphamega Family. Please read the Terms carefully and make sure you understand them before signing up for Alphamega Family. You ill be legally bound by them when you sign up for Alphamega Family. If you do not wish to be bound by the Terms, please do not sign up for Alphamega Family.
3.9 We may update the Terms from time to time, for example, to comply with changes to the law, to include new features of Alphamega Family, a Competition or an Offer, or to introduce or terminate partnerships with external third parties. We will notify you of any updates to the Terms through a notification on your mobile phone or by email or text to the number or address you provide to us.
3.10 To the extent that you find the Supplementary Terms of each Competition or the Supplementary Terms of each Offer or the changes to Alphamega Family unsatisfactory, you may choose to cancel your entry in Alphamega Family in accordance with paragraph 10. Whenever you wish to use Alphamega Family for a Competition or Offer, please check the Terms and Conditions of each Competition or Offer to ensure that you understand the terms that will apply then.
3.11 We will not necessarily file a copy of the Terms specifically regarding your use of Alphamega Family. You should therefore save a copy of the Terms for future reference.
4.1 To register and be a member of Alphamega Family, you must complete and submit the required fields (name, address, gender, date of birth, telephone number), when you install the Application for the first time, by visiting the Customer Service Centres of our Hypermarkets or on our e-commerce site.
4.2 Only one registration for Alphamega Family is permitted per person.
4.3 You must be over 18 years old to register to Alphamega Family.
4.4 When registering for Alphamega Family you agree to provide us with accurate and complete registration information. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information you provide to us is correct and up to date. If you find that you have provided incorrect registration information after submitting it to us or your information has changed, please contact us immediately so that we can correct our files as soon as possible.
4.5 You are responsible for the confidentiality of your Alphamega Family account details and these should not be shared with anyone else.
5.1 You will collect points every time you shop at our Hypermarkets or through our website
5.2 To collect Points you must, during a purchase, provide your Alphamega Family number or present the Application at our checkout. For every purchase of €1, your Alphamega Family account will be credited with 1 Point.
5.3 If you did not collect Points during the purchase you can, within 14 days from the purchase, present the proof of purchase at the Customer Service Centres to add the points to your Alphamega Family account. This applies given that the receipt belongs to the holder claiming the points and the amount of the receipt is proportional to the holder's usual purchases. No points will be awarded for specific products including tobacco products or products directly related to them, gift vouchers, tickets and products sold by us through the granting of sales rights to third parties.
5.4 We can set a limit on the number of Points that can be awarded to each Alphamega Family account. We also reserve the right to add or subtract any number of Points from any Alphamega Family account at any time without notice. If these changes are not satisfactory for you then you can choose to cancel your entry in Alphamega Family according to paragraph 10.
5.5 If your purchase is later cancelled, returned or reduced we will cancel the corresponding Points that have been credited.
5.6 You will be able to see the history of all Points transactions through the Application or from the Customer Service Centres, provided you present your identity card.
5.7 The transfer of Points is not allowed except in the following cases, and provided that the Alphamega Family account from which the Points will be transferred will be terminated:
A. To first degree relatives.
B. In case of death of the holder of the Alphamega Family account (where the transfer to first degree relatives is allowed), provided that the presentation of a death certificate is presented.
5.8 If the Alphamega Family account has not been used for collection or redemption for two consecutive years, the Points of that Alphamega Family account will be deleted.
6.1 You must be a member of Alphamega Family to redeem Points, Offers or to redeem your prize from a Competition.
6.2 For any redemption we can ask you for the ID and number of your Alphamega Family account. We may also ask for more information in order to verify your identity, age and other information as appropriate.
6.3 The redemption of Points can be made through the Kiosk, available in the Supermarket, through the Application or on our e-commerce site.
6.4 The Points:
A. Can be redeemed only for gift vouchers or for a discount in relation to products of the respective Offer and can never be redeemed for cash.
B. Can be redeemed for gift vouchers, according to the exchange rate that can be found in the Application or on our website at or when you obtain the required number of Points required for redemption in each Offer. We reserve the right to change the redemption exchange rate at any time at our sole discretion. We also reserve the right to add or subtract any number of Points from any Alphamega Family account at any time without notice. If we change the redemption exchange rate and these changes are not satisfactory for you then you can choose to cancel your Alphamega Family account in accordance with paragraph 10.
6.5 Gift vouchers are valid only within 30 days from their issuance.
6.6 Gift vouchers can only be used for purchases of €10, €15, €25, €40 or multiples thereof. It is not possible to use part of the gift certificates or gift certificates for purchases smaller than the amount of the gift certificates presented. For example, if the purchase amount is €60, the use of 2 € 40 gift vouchers is not allowed. In such a case, only one must be used and the remaining €20 must be paid, or, in order to be able to redeem both gift vouchers, products worth €80 in total must be purchased.
6.7 Points are not refundable for any reason if the gift voucher is lost or damaged.
6.8 If you issue the wrong gift voucher or change your mind about the issuance of a gift voucher, then the Points can only be returned to you if the gift voucher in question is delivered to us and it is in good (at our absolute discretion) condition and in clear text.
6.9 The Points cannot be used in conjunction with the special offers of the Stick & Win (Continuity) scheme.
6.10 The Points can be used in combination with products that have an offer at the price.
6.11 If you return products purchased with a gift voucher, you will not get back the corresponding Points or cash, but you will receive a credit note. If the purchase in question was made with a gift voucher from the home equipment department, then the relevant credit note can only be redeemed at that department.
6.12 Gift certificates are not redeemable on tobacco products such as cigarettes, tobacco and lighters.
6.13 General Purchase Gift Vouchers can be used for general purchases that include all sections of the Alphamega Hypermarkets, and Home Appliances and Gift Vouchers can only be used in the corresponding section within our Hypermarkets, with the exception of consumables purchases. For the avoidance of doubt, the term "non-consumable" includes the categories Garden accessories & supplies, Stationery, Toys, Car accessories & supplies, Household items (decorative, kitchen/bathroom accessories, miscellaneous tools, plastics, baskets, ironing boards, hangers), Kitchenware (dishes, pots, glasses, cutlery, towels, plastic containers) etc and the term "consumables" includes mops, brooms, microfiber cloths, plastic cups, plastic cutlery, disposable plastic containers.
6.14 For the avoidance of doubt, the Alphamega Hypermarkets sections (including the Home Appliances and Gifts Department) do not include stores located near or located within the Hypermarkets such as the Beautyline, Holland & Barrett and others.
6.15 The gift vouchers that are redeemed with the Points are not related in any way to the gift vouchers which are available for sale from the Customer Service Centres.
6.16 If we have reason to believe that you have abused or fraudulently used an Alphamega Family account and/or that you should not hold certain Points then we can refuse redemption and reset or adjust the balance of your Alphamega Family account or terminate or cancel your Alphamega Family account.
7.1 We announce Competitions From time to time exclusively for the members of Alphamega Family.
7.2 There are two types of Competitions. You automatically participate the first type, in the categories that correspond to your purchases as a member of Alphamega Family, provided that you have consented to the processing of data regarding your purchases in our Hypermarkets and that you have consented to receive marketing and communication notifications.
7.3 The first type of Competition works as follows:
A. There is a start and end date for each Competition.
B. You automatically participate if you made purchases of products that belong to the categories of this Competition that is being promoted.
C. At the end of the Competition a draw is held (in which our mechanised system processes your purchases to determine which people bought the products belonging to the categories of this Competition that is being promoted) and in case you win we will notify you by phone or via SMS to the phone number entered in your Alphamega Family account. In this case your name will be published (after you first consent to it when you are notified) and your details can be shared with the competition organizer (usually the supplier) for the purposes of redeeming the prize.
7.4 For the second type of Competition, your active participation is required, in which case you will have to fill in the Competition form either electronically (on our website or in the Application), or from the Customer Service Centres of our Supermarket, or via mobile devices from the responsible persons within the Hypermarkets, depending on the terms of each Competition:
A. There is a start and end date for the Competition.
B. By completing the form you participate in the Competition.
C. At the end of the Competition a draw is held and in case you win we will notify you by phone or SMS on the phone you have registered in your Alphamega Family account. In this case your name will be published (after you first consent to this) and your details can be communicated to the competition organizer (usually the supplier) for the purposes of redeeming prize.
7.5 Winners will have 14 days from the day of their notification or announcement of the winners (whichever is shorter) to claim their prize from the responsible person of the promotional action.
7.6 In the event that a winner or alternate winner is not available, eligible or does not claim his/her prize within the required time or does not consent to the publication of his/her name, the winner or alternate winner loses any right to the prize and the prize is awarded to the next alternate winner, who will be selected either from the initial draw or, if the original draw did not provide for it, from a new draw.
7.7 The validity period and the Additional Terms of each Competition will be published by entering each Competition in the Application and on our website at
7.8 We may modify the Additional Terms at any time, in which case you will be notified through the Application.
7.9 In addition to the above, the conditions of paragraph 6 above apply to the redemption of Points through the Offers.
8.1 We announce Offers from time to time exclusively for members of Alphamega Family The Offers are various offers (such as discounts on specific products or tickets) according to the available Offers from time to time, which are valid only for members of Alphamega Family or the holders of the Application.
8.2 The Offers can be valid to all the holders of Points, or exclusively to the holders who have registered in the Application, or exclusively to some members of Alphamega Family depending on their purchases.
8.3 Offers may be announced from time to time which will be valid for purchases from and/or to external third parties, with which we cooperate from time to time.
8.4 The Offers may be of limited duration and/or availability, i.e. they will be valid for certain periods of time (as will be announced when they start) and/or only for as long as the reasonable stocks offered with the Offer are available.
8.5 Offers may not be valid in all Alphamega Hypermarkets.
8.6 We are not responsible for any stock shortages before the end of the Offer.
8.7 The validity period and the Supplementary Terms of each Offer will be published when entering each Offer in the Application and on our website at
8.8 Offers may be announced from time to time through which you will be able to redeem Points to receive discounts on products or services or tickets promoted in these Offers, in accordance with the terms of the Offer in force.
8.9 In addition to the above, the terms of paragraph 6 above apply to the redemption of Points through the Offers.
9.1 Some of the products obtained and/or purchased through a Competition and/or Offer come with a manufacturer's warranty.
9.2 We do not accept returns of products or tickets obtained through Competitions or Offers.
9.3 We do not exchange products or tickets acquired or purchased through a Competition or Offer.
9.4 We will not make refunds for products or tickets acquired or purchased through a Competition or Offer.
10.1 Without restriction of any of our other rights, we may terminate or suspend Alphamega Family, or any of the Competitions and Offers with immediate effect and without notice.
10.2 We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to close and/or terminate your Alphamega Family account in the event that, either at your request or otherwise, your personal rights are deleted or restricted or you object to the processing of your personal data.
10.3 You may terminate this Agreement or cancel your subscription to the Scorecard by giving written notice to:
A. or,
B. At any customer service centre of Alphamega Hypermarkets
10.4 In the event that this Agreement is terminated or you cancel your registration in Alphamega Family, the Points you have accumulated will be cancelled.
11.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under the Contract that is caused by any act or event beyond our reasonable control (Event Outside Our Control).
11.2 If an Event Outside Our Control takes place that affects the performance of our obligations under the Contract:
(a) we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you; and
(b) our obligations under the Contract will be suspended and the time for performance of our obligations will be extended for the duration of the Event Outside Our Control. Where the Event Outside Our Control affects the supply of Programme products to you, we will arrange supply of an alternative Good after the Event Outside Our Control is over.
11.3 You may cancel the Contract affected by an Event Outside Our Control by contacting us. If you opt to cancel, your account balance will be reset to zero.
12.1 We may assign or transfer our rights and obligations under the Contract to another entity or external third party but will always notify you by a mobile push notification or by email at the number you provided to us upon registration. 
12.2 Each paragraph of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them is unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
12.3 The Contract is between you and us. No other person has any rights to enforce any of its terms.